What is going on with that Laura Antoniou? Have you seen the latest book of hers? She has totally jumped the shark with this one. For those of you who don’t know whom I am talking about, Laura is the author of the highly acclaimed Marketplace series and she is a very popular speaker at BDSM events. She is a big deal. A much bigger deal than me.
Her new book is called The Killer Wore Leather and in it she has managed to insult every one of us good citizens who have worked so hard for BDSM/Leather/Fetish community. Do you think you might be immune? I doubt it. It seems that no one escapes her snark. Anybody who who thinks they know anything at all about BDSM or Leather should buy this book and see for themselves.
That Laura Antoniou is not nice.
Tags: Books · Reviews & Recommendations

NYC History Then.

NYC Art Now.
Go see Nayland Blake’s new show. It’s up through April 19, 2013 at Matthew Marks Gallery, 502 West 22nd Street in NYC.
Tags: Art & Culture · friends · Reviews & Recommendations
Please contact The Advocate and protest their removal of their Op-Ed by Jill D. Weinberg entitled “Kink as The Next LGBT Rights Frontier: Why handcuffs and submission may lead to even more LGBT liberation” posted on December 17, 2012.
The comments were very negative against kinky people and demanded The Advocate remove the Op-Ed because it was harming the LGBT movement. The Op-Ed was up for less than 12 hours before The Advocate removed it from their website.
Please contact The Advocate and respectfully tell them that their silencing of this important issue leads to more persecution and discrimination against kinky people. Tell them you want to see more coverage of kink issues in The Advocate. And tell them that 1 in 3 people who identify as kinky are persecuted because of it, and the question of “Kink Rights” as the next frontier should be taken seriously.
Email: feedback@advocate.com
To see the Op-Ed, you can go to the NCSF blog or to the Google cache.
Tags: Activism & Politics

I previously wrote about Nayland Blake’s Free Love Tool Box show here and now I am in San Francisco for Phase Two!
On Thursday I will do a decorative piercing performance with Nayland. I am thrilled to be doing this and a bunch of my friends are showing up for it. There’s a bunch of cool events this week. All the events are free with gallery admission. The schedule is here.
Even if you are not local to the Bay Area, you can listen to the livestream music every Thursday through Sunday during gallery hours (except during the special event hours). Maybe I will try to DJ for an hour!
Tags: Art & Culture · travel

Welcome to e[lust] – The only place where the smartest and hottest sex bloggers are featured under one roof every month. Whether you’re looking for sex journalism, erotic writing, relationship advice or kinky discussions it’ll be here at e[lust]. Want to be included in e[lust] #42? Start with the newly updated rules, come back December 1st to submit something and subscribe to the RSS feed for updates!
~ This Week’s Top Three Posts ~
– “My G-spot felt non-existent. My clit felt numb. The masturbation didn’t hold my interest, and my mind wandered.”
Baby Girl – “You fill me with a desire to learn so that I can teach you. I push you to trust yourself as I trust you.”
Denial – ““Not yet,” he says, pulling both of my arms back, leaving my clit screaming for attention.”
~ e[lust] Editress ~
Dangerous Lilly
~ Featured Post (Lilly’s Pick) ~
Thoughts: Contractual Considerations
Thoughts & Advice on Sex & Relationships
Challenging Sexy
Open Me Up
How this blog started
Speaking of NRE
Sex News, Interviews, Politics & Humor
How to Pack for a Con
Rape Culture Rant
The Female Orgasm: A Brief History, Part 1
Kink & Fetish
Ball Gag Safety For Beginners
Choose one word to describe yourself
Drawing out hurt
Dirty, Nasty, Perfect
Evolution of a new fetish: veiling erotic
It was always a trap…
The Panty Loan
Watersports: Not As Easy As It Sounds
Erotic Writing
A Writing Challenge – Blindfold
about to be devoured
Blow Me Away
Girls’ Night Out
Hot Girls with Gay Bodyguards
Leaving You Wasted!
Lolita Twenty-Twelve, Part Sexeh and Sexbee
Vampire girl #14

Lia Lor on HogTied.com
Tags: e[lust]
November 6th, 2012 · 2 Comments

We share things at Oink. Like good friends do. When Jean mentioned that she had run out of clean underwear, I gave her a pair of my black cotton panties. I always pack extra undies and socks.
One year later, we were back at Oink and she returned my panties. She told me how she would wear them for her husband and how excited it made him that she was wearing my panties.
“Really? They are just plain old black cotton hipsters!”
“Yes, but he loved the idea that I was wearing your panties.”
This was so pervy and I loved it. So I dug through my pile of clean panties and found the cutest pair that I had with me. “Here, take these!” I held out a pair that was bright red with big white polka dots. “Consider them a loan until the next time I see you.”
She flashed me a big grin and took them, “Oh, he’s really going to love these!”
So, now, months later, I find myself shopping for new panties and keeping an eye out for a fun pair that I can lend to her next time.
Tags: events · friends · Relationships · Scene Report
November 2nd, 2012 · 1 Comment

My friend Barbara Nitke has a new book out: American Ecstasy
. It’s really beautiful and fun. These photos are early works from when she would shoot stills for porn films. She also shot a lot of behind-the-scenes shots that portrayed life in the porn industry as not always so orgasmic and glamorous.
Tags: Art & Culture · Books · friends · Reviews & Recommendations
October 18th, 2012 · 1 Comment
Tags: BDSM · events · NYC

October 12, 2012 – January 27, 2013
Yerba Buena Center for the Arts
Big Opening Night Party
Oct 12 8:00pm – 11:00pm
Official Press Release
See more about the show at Nayland’s FREE!LOVE!TOOL!BOX! tumblr.
This is what he wrote last week:
It’s a little over two weeks until we open phase one. In some ways this show is different from every other show I’ve had, and yet in other ways it feels like a kind of culmination of my thinking over the past five years or so. Here’s some of what I’m hoping:
- That people will see enough in phase one that they will come back to see the transformation in phase two.
- That people will make use of the video both and the dj set up to literally play within the ideas in the show.
- That the arrangement of things and events will help people to have some deeper conversations.
- That people will be able to see the connections between the things I make and the things I’ve found.
- That folks will dress up for the events and be willing to get wild.
- The best shows, like the best bars, become places to mutual recognition and encouragement to freedom. This show is about me trying to inflect a space in a way that brings out its best aspects
Also there will be lots of different special events during the time it is up, such as:
SHOW AND TELL: Gayle Rubin Lecture — “Yerba Buena, the Tool Box, and the Politics of Urban Space”
Nov 18, 2012 2:00pm – 4:00pm
I won’t make it to the opening but I will be out there after Thanksgiving when Nayland come’s out to set up Phase Two and I will help him. I’ll write another post when I know more about that trip.
Tags: Art & Culture
September 25th, 2012 · 1 Comment
Dirty Secrets
Sexual Portraits by Michael Rosen
Curated by Kymara Lonergan
Exhibition Dates: September 28 to 30, 2012
Opening Reception: September 28; 7 to 9 pm
Please RSVP at Eventbrite for the Opening Reception
in the old
Prince Street Basement Gallery
127-B Prince Street, NYC

Michael Rosen, who has been documenting the sexual underground since 1977, is known for his disarmingly realistic style of erotic and sexually explicit portraiture.
Images in this exhibition are, as Rosen describes, “gritty, cinema verité images of S/M sex scenes; sharply focused, elegantly composed.”
The Leslie-Lohman Museum of Gay and Lesbian Art, in association with The Kymara Gallery, is pleased to announce Dirty Secrets, an exhibition of vintage gelatin silver prints by award-winning photographer Michael Rosen, from September 28th to 30th in the old Basement Gallery in Soho, at 127-B Prince St, New York City. These powerful nudes create an immediate intimacy with their subjects, confronting the viewer with both their humanity and their sexuality.
Inspirations, featuring three prominent artists–the fabulous Robert W. Richards, the spectacular Geary Marcello, and the amazing Maine artist Tony Brown–will seduce you with S/M themed work on display in the hallway cases leading to the main show…Dirty Secrets… in the gallery.
Kymara has some surprises waiting in the Basement for you…our beautiful Human Buffet (very sexy eating) and mysterious music. Fashion display by
Purple Passion, NYC.
For information, contact Kymara: Kymara@Kymara.com or phone (207) 286-7399.
The Kymara Gallery
The North Dam Mill, 2 Main Street, Biddeford, Maine;
Catering will be provided by Kymara Catering, Kennebunkport.
Tags: Art & Culture · BDSM · events · NYC