Jenny was in town for Cinekink. Jenny is cute and loves sex and she thinks I am hot. Woo hoo!
“So, what do you have planned for tomorrow?”
“You should come with me for an hour or so to have sex with Jefferson before you go shopping.”
“Who is Jefferson again?”
“He’s Marcus’ boyfriend. You may have met him at camp. Trust me.”
So, later that night, I shoot off an email to Jefferson:
I have a surprise for you. I want you to answer the door blindfolded. Don’t worry about the neighbors.
It’s 10:15am when we knock on Jefferson’s door. (Very early for a nooner, but Jefferson had decided that we need more time together.) The door swings open and Jefferson is behind it wearing a blindfold and a big grin. I shut the door behind us, kiss him and quietly lead him into the living room. He has no idea what is going on until we both start touching him. “Oh, you have grown another set of hands.”
We lead him into the bedroom. I strip Jefferson. Jenny gets naked and plops on the bed. I position him up against the wall. I had bought him a little present, a pocket knife, from my Portland trip and I was eager to use it. I stood behind him and held the knife not far from his ear so that he could hear the unmistakable sound as it clicked open. I watched his body language. Nothing. Well, duh, he doesn’t know that sound. I realize that maybe he hasn’t played with knives. It’s time to introduce him to that and I slide the knife across his skin. Now, I think he has figured it out. I run the knife down his back slowly and he moans but is very still. I run it up his leg and he gasps. He will remember that click in the future.
I lead him to the bed and he finds Jenny’s naked body. He explores her with his hands and mouth. He is pleased with what he finds. She encourages him and he tells her that he will fuck her. I rip open a condom packet and slide it on his hard cock and he begins to fuck her. “I’ve never fucked anyone whom I have never seen before.” That’s so perverse and so hot. After a while, he rips off the blindfold and smiles at Jenny, “Hi, nice to meet you.”
I am totally enjoying this. “I wanted to see Jefferson fuck someone else before I let him fuck me.”
Jefferson continues fucking Jenny and explains, “The audition process to fuck Lolita is very difficult. And there’s forms, credit reports, it’s exasperating!”
I am laughing. This is funny. Jefferson is my fuckbuddy and we still haven’t actually fucked! Not that this is any kind of issue for either of us. We have been very busy having fun with other orgasm-producing activities.
Jenny has a great sense of timing and leaves after an hour. Jefferson and I fuck and it’s amazing.
On the walk home, I call my girlfriend. For over a mile, she regales me with tales of her Hawaii trip. Finally I get to ask, “So, when was the last time you were fucked?”
“It’s been a while,” she admits.
“Okay, lemme see what I can do.”
“All right!”
My girlfriend knows she can trust me in these matters.
3 responses so far ↓
1 Viviane // Oct 22, 2006 at 9:39 pm
‘Jefferson and I fuck and it’s amazing.’
What a throwaway line. Details?!
That’s what the blog is for, innit?
2 Jefferson // Oct 26, 2006 at 12:58 am
Oh, you know, no biggie. It was just amazing and shit.
3 Lolita // Oct 26, 2006 at 11:42 am
Harumph! If you want to hear details about how Jefferson is an amazing fuck, there are scads of details in plenty of other blogs out there.
I will, however, admit that he is THE SHIT!
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