Jefferson was on the phone when I got there. I stayed quiet because I figured he might be on a business call. But, no, he handed the phone to me. I heard a sexed up voice spilling a barrage of nastiness, “I’m going to fuck all your holes,” yadda yadda, “and then I’m going to fist you hard,” yadda yadda.
“Oh, hi, Marcus.” We chatted a minute and then he had to go.
“Yeah, Marcus can be abrupt on the phone,” said Jefferson.
“He wants to be my fuckbuddy.”
“Marcus is the best. You really can’t do any better than Marcus.”
“It’s not a competition.”
I thought about how I wanted them both. Separate and together. “You know I am trying to build my stable.”
“I shouldn’t mix metaphors but you could have a fuckbuddy in every port.”
“Yup, I have friends and play partners all over the country. I can have fuckbuddies all over, too.”
We sat at the dining table and ate bagels.
“Nice shirt,” I said.
“You know how it looks best?”
“On the floor.”
“Take it off.” He took it off and threw it on the chair next to him.
“That’s not on the floor.”
He threw it on the floor and I rushed over to look at it. “I am in awe of the beauty of this shirt against the backdrop of this rug.”
Gosh, I was being such a dork. I went back to him and stood behind him and looked down at body. “I like this view.”
“This view is what someone would see if they had my body.”
He has a nice chest and I like the hair on his tummy. I ran my fingers down his torso and we kissed.
Jefferson led me into the bedroom and we plopped onto the bed. He got on top of me and started kissing me. Jefferson loves to kiss and he is a good kisser. Not since high school have I ever been with a guy who likes to kiss so much. It’s sweet and I like it.
So, we’re kissing and Jefferson’s on top of me. He tends to migrate towards the top. And when he is on top of me, he likes to pin me down. I could just let him pin me and kiss me all day but we don’t have all day. It’s another nooner and the kids are going to have to be picked up from school. I struggle just a little bit and roll him off of me so that I am on top.
Somewhere along the line he had lost his pants. “How is it that I am always naked and you always have clothes on?” I roll off of him so that I can get naked too. He pulls off my shirt and then looks at my pants a bit befuddled. The pants have ties and buttons and zippers. I undo them.
“Oh the panties match!”
I misunderstand him. “What? You’re wearing pink panties, too?”
“No, yours do. I’m not wearing any. But you, if anybody, could make me.”
“Not today.” But I make a mental note of that.
He bites my tummy slow and deep and leaves a mark. It’s painful. I love marks.
He pulls off my pants and everything falls out of the pockets. He picks up my quarters, “Thanks, I can use these.”
“You can do laundry.”
“Or make a phone call.”
“Or shoot pool.”
I stand up and save him the awkwardness of unhooking my bra. My tits spill out and his eyes light up. I sink to my knees and consume his cock. I feel it grow big fast. I suck until I gag and then I suck some more. I suck until I can’t stand it anymore. It’s not my jaw that gives out. It’s my knees on that damn jute rug. I swear it is worse than kneeling on rice.
I climb back on the bed and he pins me down again and starts kissing me. Sweet kisses. And he shoves his fingers in my cunt and works my g-spot good. He continues that as he goes down on me. He works his lips and tongue on me and it’s magic. I can’t believe how good it is. I cum and cum and then he bites me. Yeah, he bites me down there and it feels perfect. I am amazed that he can play me so well. Wow!
And he’s kneeling on a pillow. I am so using a pillow for my knees next time.
We kiss and I whisper in his ear, “Fuckbuddy.”
I go down on him again and he cums big. I had been worried that he might have been all Madelined-out, but apparently not. He wipes some of the cum in my hair. “For nostalgia.”
We shower, dress and head out the door. He can’t be late.
I leave the quarters on the night table. He has no idea about my thing for quarters.
2 responses so far ↓
1 Anonymous // Oct 9, 2006 at 3:35 pm
I hate those rugs. On the rare occasion I’m in the living room, I always wear my shoes.
And I never, never kneel without a pillow on those things. Cause you’re right, it is worse than kneeling on rice!
2 selina fire // Oct 10, 2006 at 6:29 am
I love this post! I’m so glad you found us.
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