Amazing how you can live in the same city as somebody, but it takes being at an out of town event to make things happen. And South Plains Leatherfest was just the event. It is one of the premier leather events in the country with great workshops and dungeon parties.
It was at SPLF that I hooked up with Sara Vibes to give her a very hard spanking. I always temper my spankings to fit the person and I was surprised how much Sara could take!
Sara Vibes is the current International Ms Leather and at 23, she is known as the Baby IMsL. She is also the youngest person on the 100 Divas list. Really, I am not a Chickenhawk. Sara has a mind of her own and has a strong personality. I am honored to call her my friend.
2 responses so far ↓
1 Sara Vibes // Mar 21, 2012 at 1:22 pm
Thank you SO much Lolita!
I had SO much fun!
Anytime… Really, anytime!
2 Lolita // Mar 22, 2012 at 4:07 am
You’re welcome. I hope there is more to come.
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