Daniel and Bobbi Starr on captivemale.com
The TES Bondage Group meets this Wednesday July 23 and is pleased to present:
“Anatomy of a Scene” with Don Edwards
Whether your bondage serves as a means to an end or as an end in itself, we’ll explore the formal structures of effective scenes. From foreplay and warm-up to aftercare and afterglow, this presentation looks at just what it takes to get you “there”… and back again! Join us as we explore the role restraint and release play in the pursuit of mutually satisfying Sadomasochistic activities!
Don E. is a sadist who has been a longtime TES member,S&M community supporter and bondage enthusiast.
Doors open at 7:30pm; meeting starts at 8pm. Come at 7:30pm and socialize!
TES, 260 West 36th Street, 3rd Floor, between 7th and 8th Avenues, NYC
$4 for Members of TES and other BDSM/Leather groups; $8 Non-Members
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