Last weekend I went to CLAW. That’s an acronym for Cleveland Leather Awareness Weekend. The weekend is open to everyone but attracts mainly gay men. Even though there is no contest at CLAW, titleholders come from all over. This is the big pre-IML event for them to shop and network. The event also attracts a proportionately high number of BDSM players and offers some stellar educational classes and dungeon parties.
Perhaps the main focus of the event is fundraising. CLAW is non-profit and run by volunteers. In its eight years, it has donated over $160,000 to its charities. There’s a huge silent auction and a leather flea market. I went to the carnival on Friday night where they had all sorts of games. I played some blackjack and had my caricature done by John Randle.
I worked with at the Purple Passion booth with Hilton.
Graylin was selling videos in the booth across from us. He was good company.
Jake Keary, Mr NYC Eagle 2009, with Mike Zuhl, Board Member of CLAW.
Barak of Adventures In Sexuality.
Dave at one of the room parties.
The Incredible Joey.
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