My friend, Larry Iannotti, is writing an academic paper justifying the reasons for the recent Survey of Violence and Discrimination against Sexual Minorities and he is seeking stories:
I’m also interested in hearing from anyone who has been fired from a job, kicked out of an apartment, harassed by law enforcement officials, or had psychological,medical or legal professionals deny them their rights (custody, pressing charges, initiating a complaint or investigation, etc.) as a result of their being involved in SM-related activities.
Finally, I’m seeking reports of incidents in which SM-related groups were forced to move their operations or events because a landlord or public facility (such as a hotel, conference center, school, etc.) refused to let the event occur due to it’s being SM-related.
Anyone who has information about such incidents can contact me via email. If you prefer, you can contact me by phone at 212-465-1917 to set up a time that we can speak.
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