Of course it was a great weekend at SMARTfest in Cleveland, Ohio, because I traveled with a guarantee: my Julia. Julia is always a great travel partner. The playspace was really nice warehouse with huge wooden structural beams. On Friday night we played. Julia set up a ring to a beam with a little piece of hardware that allowed the ring to spin. She wore a black girdle and pink toe shoes. She looked awesome. A while back, I had been fascinated by a Ballerina Bondage video. I tied her differently than the video. I did not want to copy it but it did serve as inspiration. And she looked beautiful as she turned and spun and danced. It reminded me of one of those music boxes. I was so happy to have my own ballerina girl. Afterwards, she tied me and that was so sensuous and fun. I had her untie the ropes with just her mouth. We were both very horny after that but by the time we got to the hotel, we were so exhausted, we played just a tiny bit and then passed out.
On Saturday I taught two classes and they went pretty well. Rita was there. She is an Ohio girl. And, boy, is she demanding! Not only did she want me to help pick out a present for Boymeat but she wanted me to schlep it back to NYC, too. But that wasn’t all. She wanted a play date with me, too! So, we shopped together and I told her that if she wanted to play with me, she would have to buy me at the auction. There’s something very hot about having a professional dominatrix pay for me to top her!
I was the auctioneer on Saturday night for the Dom/sub scene auction to benefit NCSF. We raised $1000. At the end, I sold myself. Rita bought me. It was a “getting to know you” type scene, so I started up close and in her face with my hands on her chest. I pounded on her to give her deep muscle bruising that would not discolor her skin. I had to be careful to not mark her. That is one of the issues when playing with a pro – often times they have to worry about marks. Most clients don’t like a bruised dominatrix.
I pulled her hair and she gasped. I ran my nails on her skin and she shivered. I flogged her and she moaned. I ran a knife over her and she whimpered. And then her eyes got really wide when I began to singletail her chest. Oh my! This girl is hot. One of these days I would like a shot at her when I don’t have to worry about leaving marks. I am so glad she’ll be at camp!
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