I walked in the door and there was Vi. She greeted me with a hug and a kiss. Her first question was, “How’s your sex life?”
That was a surprise. It’s not a question that she usually asks. “Great!” I responded, “I even had a fantastic threesome last night.”
“I’ve been working on it, you know. I’ve got something on my alter just for you.”
That’s so wild. Being a jaded New York Jew, I don’t usually give a lot of credence to the woo woo stuff. But Mama Bear had been working on it, too. Maybe there is something to it after all.
However, I’ve been working on all of this myself, too. It’s not like I haven’t been taking some crazy leaps of my own. These things don’t just happen if you just sit there and wait. I’ll just figure that it’s a combination of things.
Thanks, Vi! Thanks, Mama Bear! I’m grateful for the help.
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