Lolita Wolf's Predictions & Predilections

As a BDSM Sex Educator and Author, I don't just talk about it. I do it! And then I write about it.

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Totally booked

September 26th, 2006 · No Comments

Barry was a better than decent looking guy, but he was a totally idiot. I disliked him instantly.

“Oh, Lolita, you probably are very busy”
“I am totally booked.”
But, you are amazing and I would really like to do something with you.”
“I am totally booked.”
“Couldn’t you just make a little time…”
“Totally booked!

Barry shut up and looked at me. I figured he must be in telemarketing or something, because when telemarketers call you have to say no three times before they give up.

“I guess you did not go to the Dark Odyssey orientation.”
“Huh? What do you mean? What did I miss?”
“One thing that they tell you is that when someone turns you down, you don’t ask again after 5 seconds.”

Most of the time, when someone asks for play, I don’t like to turn them down unless they are a total dweeb like Barry. But there were a lot of offers and only so much time so I did wind up saying no to some people. Because I was totally booked.

So, I was teased, how did I manage to clear my schedule to play with Jefferson? Because successful time management at an event means that you always leave room for some spontaneity. Because sometimes you want to say yes no matter what.

Tags: Event Reviews · Relationships

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