Volume 11, Number 4 © Copyright 2005 by Lolita Wolf – Material may not be reproduced in whole or in part without prior written consent of the copyright holder. The views expressed herein are exclusively those of the author and do not represent the views of any other person or any organization with which the author may be associated.
“[I]t is impossible to organize things if you yourself are not in order. When you do things in the right way, at the right time, everything else will be organized. “
– Shunryu Suzuki
Two weekends ago, Michele, Delano, Seraphin and I headed down to The Crucible in Washington DC for Midori’s Rope Bondage Dojo. Wow! Sixteen full hours of rope education spread over two days. Midori is a great teacher who explains everything fully as she demonstrates and then works with everyone in the class as everybody the does it on each other. Everybody was expected to switch and everybody did. I had heard that we would be given speed drills and team projects and I was a little apprehensive about those, but when it came to actually doing it, I was confident in being able to do everything and I managed just fine – actually better than fine! These exercises actually made it even easier to learn everything.
And there was a lot to learn: four different two-column ties, two body harnesses, hand and foot bondage, a dildo harness and, at the end, we learned how to do self-suspension. We also were taught the history of Japanese rope bondage, the many reasons (intents) why people like to do rope bondage and we trained in speed negotiating. Delano was the assistant teacher and gave a lot of insight that complemented what Midori had to say. Every graduate got a certificate, a six-foot bamboo pole and a canvas toybag perfect for carrying our rope. I highly recommend this course and I hope Midori will teach an advanced version at some point.
We had a big scene planned for Saturday night. The Phi Diva Kappa sisters beat up Delano. He is a very strong man and can take a lot but he was no match for Predator Michele, Ankle Anchor Midori, Susan the Tripper, Body Slamming Lolita, and Barnacle Sue! Together we punched him, knocked him down, kicked him and slammed into a cinder block wall. The grand finale was when Michele threw him through a wall that was built specially for this scene by Frazier of The Crucible.
Last weekend Boymeat and I attended Summer Bash, which is flawlessly produced by Albany Power Exchange. Julia and Sarah joined us and we had a wonderful time. This event was held at a spiritual retreat 30 miles north of Albany. The facilities were beautiful with a great staff and superlative food – lots of organic fruits and veggies and fresh baked goods. We stayed in a geodesic dome. I was always fascinated by Buckminster Fuller’s dome when I was a kid and what a thrill to stay in one. The acoustics are wild.
I taught Hot Wax and CBT. These are classes that are really fun to teach. I also played. On Friday night Julia suspended me in a sitting position and played with me. On Saturday night, Tim blacked my boots and it felt so wonderful when he licked and massaged them. I enjoyed talking with him and getting to know him. I also beat up on and single-tailed Julia and it was a very sexually charged scene. One of the hottest scenes I have had in a long time. It all just seemed very right with Julia. Afterwards we went out and lay in the grass under the stars and she fisted me.
On Sunday, we hiked around and it started to rain but it felt very good. I want to go back to that place and I will.
On July 12th Keith Alexander died in a bicycle accident. I met Keith when he was piercing at The Gauntlet and we began to play privately. Most of the time I topped him but we also switched on occasion. I used to write about the scenes in the P+P but did not mention his name. I also wrote a story, “My First Shower,” that was published in Prometheus. Peggy and I did our first guided journey with him. When CJ wanted me to pierce him with five hafadas, I went to Keith so he could guide me as I did them. This happened after hours at his Brooklyn shop – Modern American Body Arts. Keith gave me my first cutting at a TES meeting down at Bond Street. He also hired me to perform at Night of 1000 Scars at Webster Hall, the big opening party for Dee Snider’s Strangeland movie.
Keith was an amazing person. I will miss him. You can see more about Keith at Dee Snider’s site: http://www.deesnider.com/CMS/content/view/167/2/
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IMsL was held in Omaha this past weekend. Three women competed for the International Ms Leather title with Jessi Ahart of Baltimore winning. There was one contestant for International Ms Bootblack and Suka of Chicago won the title.
I love Summer Camp! I love Dark Odyssey because it’s different than the other BDSM events – more diverse. A lot of great presenters and workshops (including me) and fabulous special events. And a lot of nature! And sex! Anyway it’s happening in Maryland September 14-19.and registration has opened. Check out the website to see more about the event: http://www.darkodyssey.com
Thanks to my sponsors!
1125-255Y SINGLETAILS IN THE SCENE, a NEW 2 hour instructional video is now available. Learn basic & advanced throws. Learn how to practice. Learn how to use a signal whip on someone from light & sensual to heavy & intense. Includes four actual scenes. Only $35.00 + shipping & handling. http://www.SingletailsInTheScene.com
1104-273Y Dr. Vittoria Repetto – Chiropractor / Applied Kinesiologist / Nutritional Consultation. Dedicated to providing my patients with the holistic therapies and the personalized education they need to regain and maintain their optimal health. 285 West B’way @ Canal St., NYC 212 – 431 – 3724 www.drvittoriarepetto.meta-ehealth.com DrVittoriaRepett@aol.com Best Doctor – Best of Gay New York – NYBlade, Oct, 17, 03.
1107-278Y Purple Passion / DV8 has one of the largest selections of corsets, leather, latex & PVC clothing for men and women. Custom corsets, clothing and harnesses. Artwork for sale: our current show started Nov 13 2004. Gallery Hours: Thurs, Fri & Sat 4-7pm or by appointment. Store hours: Mon, Tues, Wed noon-7pm, Thurs & Fri Noon-9pm, Sat Noon-8pm Sun Noon-6pm. 211 W 20 St, NYC. Tel 212-807-0486, For online shopping, workshop & art show schedules http://www.purplepassion.com/
1105-283H The Baroness’ Elegant and Provocative Latex Fashions now available at her brand new East Village boutique! You’ll find latex for men & women of all sizes, custom Couture, and Bizarre Rubber Creations. Featured in The Fashion Institute’s Costume Museum, countless publications, and HBOs’ Real Sex. 530-B East 13th street (Between Avenues A & B), New York City. Mon.-Fri. 12:00-7:00, Thurs. till 9:00, Sat. 1:00-7:00. Party informations or questions? (212) 529 5964 www.Baroness.com
1108-284B EROTIC DOMINANCE INTENSIVES Explore the Heat, Heart and Spirit of BDSM! Make Your Scenes Soar! Cleo Dubois Academy of SM Artsy offer in San Francisco a Weekend Intensive for Dominant Men and Men Who Switch, October 1-2 Info: http://www.sm-arts.com/mens-intensive.htm
-Email: CleoDubois@sm-arts.com
1105-285B What happens when Zen and kink cross-breed? Erotiku (erotic haiku) lay bare human nature by framing a BDSM moment. The book’s three-liners pack irreverent giggles, heart twangs and hardcore raunch in equal parts. Get your copy of this decadent collection of over one hundred haikus at Purple Passion, Amazon and more stores today! http://www.erotiku.com/
1203-286Y Midori’s ROPE Dojo, Advanced and Expert rope work July 9-10 at The Crucible in Washington, DC. A Full Weekend Intensive Rope Bondage Dojo with expert rigger Midori and special guest Delano. Only four spots left! Weekend Package Includes 16 hours of concentrated instruction from Midori and hands-on practice, Continental breakfast both days, Catered lunch both days, Limited edition commemorative graduation gift, Free bamboo for play, as seen in many of Japanese bondage imagery and Certificate of Graduation. http://www.the-crucible.com/Midori’sRopeDojo.htm
1129-287H PSYCHOTHERAPY-Specializing in BDSM, bisexuality, fetishism, gay, lesbian, transgender issues or other sexual concerns. I can help you accept your sexuality and build coping skills. We will develop a personalized strategy to help you achieve your goals. Learn about yourself and make positive life choices for a fulfilling future. Nina Wiener, L.M.S.W. By appointment (212) 802-9637 Conveniently located in Greenwich Village near all trains including the PATH.
Your ad could be here! Email me if you are interested.
Daddy David of San Francisco is coming to NYC again and he will teach “Decorative Bondage Workshop: Flat Knots and Rope Harnesses” for the TES Bondage SIG on Saturday December 10th. See some of his work in the Daddy David Galleries of Mark Chester’s kink photography web site: http://mchester.queernet.org/digital/ddgal2.html
Have fun! Play safe!
Lolita Wolf
Lolita speaking only for Lolita, of course!
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