Saturday night, a group of us from Sex 2.0 went to dinner at Chrisfield’s. The conversation was lively and fun.
Kate Bornstein, Barbara Carellas and Mollena Williams
Service was slow so I got to the Cinekink screening a little late. But I loved the films that I did get to see. Afterward, Match, this year’s Sex 2.0 organizer, modeled the new boy panties that he bought from St. James Infirmary.
Match then said he would put on his frilly panties if he could find someone to wear the boy panties. We found a volunteer.
Match modeled the frilly panties.
Match also explained his secret for keeping his balls inside the panties. “You go to a gay shop and buy a Nasty Pig jockstrap and put that on underneath!“
Afterwards, we headed up to Vera’s room. There were about 30 people crammed into a little hotel room. Vera had created a bunch of buttons for her business, For Your Nymphomation, and had lots left over. She put them in a sack and passed them around to play a game. Buttons imprinted with Top, Bottom, Sub, etc meant you had to tell a story about that role. One button meant that you had to spin a bottle to kiss someone; another button meant you had to kiss Vera. One button meant that you had to flash your private parts; another button meant you had to take off a piece of clothing (next time Vera will wear not wear a dress). Another button allowed you to pick someone with whom you could spend two minutes in the closet . You’re probably thinking that this all sounds very junior high school. So, maybe it was. But it was a hoot. I had a lot of fun!
3 responses so far ↓
1 Q // May 14, 2009 at 2:44 pm
I really wish I could have been there for the conference and ensuing shenanigans. Thanks for posting your observations on the event.
Qs last blog post..And also…
2 VeraFromFYN // May 14, 2009 at 10:06 pm
It was sort of Junior High, but it was funny as hell- security came to tell us to be quiet! The stories were awesome, & I especially enjoyed your story. Next time I’m wearing 14 layers 😉
3 Amber Rhea // May 14, 2009 at 10:10 pm
“Buttons imprinted with Top, Bottom, Sub, etc meant you had to tell a story about that role.”
What a neat idea!! That might be a good idea for an ice-breaker event next year.
Amber Rheas last blog post..links for 2009-05-14
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