Lolita Wolf's Predictions & Predilections

As a BDSM Sex Educator and Author, I don't just talk about it. I do it! And then I write about it.

Lolita Wolf's Predictions & Predilections header image 2

Calder at top, Miro at bottom

January 21st, 2009 · No Comments

New Titleholders!  Mr Mid-Atlantic Leather 2009 is Kip Hollar.  The new Miss Rubber World 2009 is Jean Bardot.

Jack Rinella moderates the SM_Presenters email list for those who present educational information at BDSM events.  To subscribe, send an email to

First dance! Romance!

Nominations are open for the CineKink Tribute, which recognizes extraordinary depiction of kink and sex-positivity in mainstream film and television.Last year’s winner was “Shortbus” (ThinkFilm/John Cameron Mitchell).  Make you nomination!

Ding dong!  The Child Online Protection Act is dead!  Finally!

Tags: Links and Stuff

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