Molly Matthews and Anna Mills in
“Tie for Two” with David Lawrence
A rope workshop to explore hands on tying for the sensual expression and enjoyment between two people. This exploration will involve a discussion touching upon such topics as trust, connection, the space that rope provides to the top and bottom and how vulnerability opens the door to magical results. For the riggers in this workshop we will share knowledge with you that will enable you to go with the flow of a rope scene that completely mesmerizes your partner and vice versa. For those who have yet to bring rope into your play together or who have shared this magical connection this workshop will inspire you to new heights.
Come on and join us! Needed for workshop: Four to six 30-foot lengths and your partner. Or just come and
260 West 36th Street, 3rd floor, NYC
Doors open 7:30pm (no early arrivals please!); meeting begins at 8pm
I personally love David Lawrence’s style of teaching. He inspires everybody to tie along with him. Even experienced players find that he teaches a new trick or two. I am really looking forward to this class. He does beautiful work. Check out his website at
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