Lolita Wolf's Predictions & Predilections

As a BDSM Sex Educator and Author, I don't just talk about it. I do it! And then I write about it.

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Clowns and Masters

October 19th, 2007 · No Comments

Last night I went to The NYC Clown Theatre Festival where New York Downtown Clown was hosting the Clown Olympics. I got there and they asked me if I was entering. I never even thought of that. It would be an amazing goal for next year. But for this year, being in the audience was a lot of fun. There were four events but you did not have to enter them all: Solo Trips and Falls, Duo Slapstick, Eccentric Dance and Kiddie Pool Synchronized Swimming. I laughed a lot.

So, NYDC has monthly skill based workshops for clowns – not for people who want to learn how to be a clown but for people who already are clowns. So, who decides if somebody is already a clown or if they are just a wanna-be clown? Is there some kind of clown certification? Will I be rejected by the clown community if I just show up? I mean, I do have the outfit so I could make the dress code.

So, wait a second. This all seems oddly familiar. Oh, yes, here it is… On Tuesday, TES will host an evening where Sir Stephen and Soulhuntre will debate the idea of Master Certification:

Can we define what makes one a Master? Does that title have to be earned? If so, who decides when it is earned? Can we define what a Master is in any way that does not exclude someone who deserves the title? Questions such as these elicit a passion response within the BDSM community. Recently Sir Stephen has been trying to formulate explicit criteria for what makes one a “Master”. He will debate Soulhuntre on the very idea of defining Mastery as well as the specific criteria that he has proposed.

I’m definitely going to go to that TES meeting. It will be a lively discussion, I’m sure.

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