This was the 21st annual International Ms. Leather Contest. Glenda Rider is the new owner and producer and she and her boy, Levi did a fabulous job of revitalizing IMsL. It helps that it is back in San Francisco. Even if you don’t like title contests, this event had a lot going for it with great workshops, huge play spaces and lots of opportunities to socialize. There were also a lot of horny women there doing a lot of heavy flirting!
Thursday night: It was the Lap-Dance-A-Thon at the hotel. I had about a dozen dollar bills with me and enjoyed tipping the dancers. And then I lucked into a benefactor (no, really, this time I am telling the truth). My benefactor had a lot of money but was too shy to tip the dancers herself. She seemed to enjoy my antics with the dancers and kept feeding me dollar bills, I just got a little more outrageous with them as the evening wore on. What fun. Over $1100 was raised!
Friday: Momma Bear, cru, Monica and I checked into a marvelous suite on the 26th floor with a view of both the Golden Gate and the Bay Bridge as well as Alcatraz, Coit Tower, San Francisco and the bay. I went to my Daddy’s class “Butch 101” and then dinner with a group of friends at a Greek restaurant on Polk Street.
Friday night: I had to go to the VIP reception, thereby missing Nayland Blake’s gathering at the Eagle. Bah! Then, opening ceremony with Donna Sachet, whom I have never seen, but always read about in Mr Marcus’ columns. And then it was the Celebrity Auction. I had lined up 20 fabulous “celebrities” to be sold. cru and I were the co-auctioneers and we raised $4162 for Leather Archives & Museum, NCSF, the San Francisco Breast Cancer Emergency Fund and the IMsL/IMsBB Travel Fund! I was sold to a nice couple from Denver who had seen my classes. I tied up the man, hung a weight from his balls and spanked and paddled his butt. You can read Midori‘s account of the Celebrity Auction and her wild scene here.
Saturday: Had breakfast with Edge and then went to his “Cruising 101” class. Had a Thai lunch in the Castro with Midori and K. And then I taught “How To Play With Needles” with Julian as my demo bottom. She does scare easily and I do like that. Right after that I was on the Age Play panel with my leather family and that went pretty well (probably because there was candy).
Saturday night: Chinese for dinner with Daddy and Lily and then we went to the contest. It went fast and was entertaining. Lady V of Point Richmond, CA.was chosen Int’l Ms Bootblack and Lauren Ide of Mesa, AZ is the new International Ms. Leather. I had a play date with Annie and Blue. Blue flogged Annie and then I single-tailed her. Then I topped Blue. It was a good scene. I flogged and single-tailed his chest. I broke him and he needed that. Oh! And great news! Blue is now an official member of my leather family! Yay!
Sunday: Brunch and then Stephanie Locke’s “Advanced Bondage” class. Sleepsacks, straitjackets and hoods. All very yummy. Afterwards Smoorefu and I took a cab down to SOMA to visit with Gayle Rubin. She lives in this amazing warehouse building that houses her incredible leather archives. Shelves and shelves and boxes and many file cabinets. I could just escape in there for a few days and not get bored. She has an entire set of Prometheus except she is missing some of the more recent issues which I have promised to fill in for her. Ahem! I also got to see an issue of Brains…
Sunday night: We had people up to the suite and ordered in Chinese. I went down to the dungeon and spanked a girl. I think I may do a separate write-up on that… And then it was a sleepover date with Daddy and Lily.
Monday: We had dim sum at Yank Sing before heading back to San Jose. Very yummy.
Monday night: Red-eye home. Yuck!
(Next post will have photos.)
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