I went to the Leslie-Lohman Gallery this evening and saw the Delmas Howe paintings . Thor had written a whole entry about them here. I was unable to go to the opening but decided to see the documentary: The Truth or Consequences of Delmas Howe. He was raised in Truth Or Consequences, New Mexico, but came to NYC during the 70’s and spent a lot of time on the piers having sex. And now he lives in T-or-C again. And, yes, the town was named after the television show. Quirky little town.
I got there a little early and, while viewing the art, Delmas Howe came over and introduced himself to me. He told me that he had sensed some kind of bond with me or something. (I dunno. Does my inner gay male hypermasculinity show?) He was sweet and I was gracious. I loved the movie and hearing him tell stories afterwards.
The show is up until April 21. Check it out!
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