There were lots of gatherings on Saturday. We started off with the LJ meet-up hosted by mudcub. He brought his laptop so I posted a little shout out to LJ.
In the afternoon we made an appearance at the Leather Archives & Museum reception. This is Rick Storer, Director of LA&M, with Jay Harcourt from San Francisco.
And here’s Master Z with Chuck Renslow. Master Z runs two events in Chicago: Sinsations in Leather and Kinky Kollege. Chuck founded IML and the LA&M.
Chuck always cracks me up. The reception was held in his personal suite at the Hyatt, which was huge and fancy like a presidential suite. It even had a pool table and a fireplace. He told the hotel that he didn’t want such a big suite, just a regular room, but the hotel said he could have the suite for free, but if he wanted a room instead, he would have had to pay for that. So, he settled for this bad-ass suite.
Later on I went to the Women’s Meet and Greet (which was not just women). I didn’t really socialize there or notice much of what was happening there because I was busy beating on a boy. No pictures from that but here you can see what the boy looked like the next day.
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