We were out having afternoon tea. It’s not an activity that was usual for Jefferson and me. On only one date have we ventured beyond the bedroom, and that was for a cheeseburger after sex. This was like a special occasion.
Ordering tea for two is extremely complicated. The tea list is huge and then we have to decide what flavor scones to share and what sandwiches to share and what dessert to share. I laughed, “This is the most negotiating that we have ever done.” Luckily, he seemed to like what I like.
We had lots to talk about. All sorts of things. And then, I told him that we’ve passed the six month mark in our relationship.
“Wow, it’s been six months already?”
“Yup, And I’ve been thinking about if this relationship has been working for me.”
“Like a review? A performance review?”
He squirmed a bit in his chair. I think he was a bit shocked. “Really?”
“Yes, I made a big change six months ago and I need to evaluate how it’s working for me. I started with three fuckbuddy relationships and now I am down to two.”
“Three? Who’s the third?”
“Dude and Dudette. That didn’t work out.”
“Oh, yeah, right.” He paused, “So, what about me?”
“Oh, I want to continue with you. But you’re not getting a raise or anything,” I grinned.
He laughed, “Maybe next review.”
And then there were other things to talk about.
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