I know that the Littles Contest was conceived as a parody, just for fun. And it is fun. And I entered to have fun with it. In my 20+ years in the scene, I had never run for a title before, but this contest just called out to me. It was so perfect for me. I wanted to win this.
Being the first has the advantage of there not being any precedent. I was able to do what I wanted with the title. I took my sash with me everywhere on every trip and always tried to work the title in at some point.
I taught age play classes at Dark Odyssey Winter Fire, TES Fest, Thunder in the Mountains and Floating World
I wore my sash at other contests with the other titleholders: the International Mater/slave Contest, International Ms Leather, Great Plains Olympus Leather and the Dark Odyssey Dirty Pig Contest
I was also visible at other events with my sash: Leather Pride Night, Folsom Street East and Fet Fest. I even got to be one of the judges at the Dark Odyssey Littles Contest!
My favorite event of all was hosting the Littles Party at IMsL. I was able to create a safe, fun space where several people (who will remain nameless) were able to explore their little personas for the first time. There were also littles who had never met other littles before! It was a very empowering event for many of the attendees. I could not have done it without the help of my leather family. Thank you.
I especially would like to thank my Daddy Nay who always treats me like a Princess. It was also a growth year for him as his balloon sculpting skills have vastly improved. 😉
Thank you for the opportunity to be the first International Little Miss Littles and I hope whoever wins this year will have as much fun as I did.
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