These days, everyone can have a dick of their own – or two, or three! But how do you pick one, and what do you do with it once you’ve got it? Come learn how to choose a cock and harness that best suit your body and your purposes. Then we’ll dive into the nitty-gritty of where you can stick it and how to enjoy it – givers and receivers alike. We’ll cover packing (everyday cock-wearing) as well as playing with a variety of techniques and orifices, with a focus on pleasure and safety.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
7 to 9pm at Purple Passion
211 West 20th Street, between 7th and 8th Avenue
$20 (and enjoy a 15% discount on shopping before or after the class)
Class size is limited so prepaying is advised. Our last class was sold out. Don’t be turned away. Reserve your spot at the store: 212-807-0486
Andrea Zanin , a.k.a. Sex Geek, pretty much writes and talks about sex all the time unless she’s eating, sleeping or having it. She lives in Toronto and is an organizer, educator and writer within the queer, polyamory and BDSM/leather communities, as well as being an active trans ally. She frequently speaks about alternative sexuality for universities, colleges, sex shops, community groups and conferences in Canada, the States and internationally. Andrea also writes alternative-sexuality news and commentary for the Montreal Mirror, Xtra! Toronto and Outlooks Magazine, as well as blogging at
She has a background in women’s studies and sexuality studies from Concordia University, and is pursuing an MA in those same fields at York University with a focus on Canadian leatherdyke history. Andrea has judged a number of leather title contests, including GLLA Bootblack 2008, International Ms. Leather 2009 and Mr. Leather Toronto 2010. She co-organizes the annual Canadian leatherdyke weekend An Unholy Harvest, runs a book club called the Leather Bindings Society, and occasionally writes erotic fiction on the side. She can be reached at
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