Memorial Day weekend is tough. In the past I have been to Camp Crucible which is a really fun event, and to IML which is awesome, too, but in a very different way. And, for the last five or six years, I have been hearing about how wonderful Shibaricon is. All these events are on the same weekend every year. That’s tough!
But this year, I decided to go to Shibaricon. It’s time to indulge the rope geek in me. So far, I have four play dates lined up. One thing that’s really odd is that two are for spankings, another is for a single tail scene and only one is for rope. That’s so weird. But who cares if it’s weird. I have dates with four hot women! Yippee!
I am traveling and sharing a room with Viviane, my Blog Mommy. She is a great travel companion. We fly out Thursday evening. Come over and say hi to me. An easy way to find me is while I am doing my DM shift from 11pm to 2am on Friday night.
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