I used to be a total fiend about collecting quarters. I would spend my pennies, nickels and dimes in a way to maximize the amount of quarters that I would receive in my change. I would never ever spend any quarters. Those would be saved for pinball, shooting pool, pay phones, parking meters and laundry machines.
It is rare these days that I find myself in bars with pinball machines and pool tables. I have a cell now, so my need for pay phones is nonexistent. And I got rid of my car; even so, muni meters are replacing parking meters.
The last reason to hoard quarters was my laundry. Laundry prices rose and I became militant about every quarter. Boymeat would always laugh at me and my strict rules about keeping all quarters. But I always had enough quarters to do my laundry!
So, last month my building renovated its laundry room. The machines now take a card which has a microchip that records the money that I add to it. $5’s, $10’s and $20’s. Paper money that I always have on hand. Currency which I do not have to work my life around.
I now I am free to spend my quarters willy nilly without worry. Today I bought Boymeat a Homie out of a gum ball machine. He said he got a good one.
2 responses so far ↓
1 gayle // Jul 26, 2008 at 10:17 am
love your writing!
Hey, what happened to jefferson? Thought you might know. I miss reading him.
2 lolita // Jul 30, 2008 at 11:07 am
Thank you!
Jefferson had to take down his blog for personal reasons, but keep watching because he will post an update soon.
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