I’ve always had a special connection to the bootblack community and they’ve always welcomed me and made me feel special. I was invited to the bootblack lunch on Thursday where I got to catch up with some friends and meet some new folks.
The International Mr Bootblack (IMBB) contestants are set up in the vending area and the contest starts when the vending area opens on Friday. One of the traditions that the bootblacks have is First Shine, where women are the first people to get their boots done. This year, Q, International Ms Bootblack 2008, coordinated this and asked me to participate. I was honored and afterwards I took this photo.
I also volunteered for an hour helping to sell raffle tickets. Bootwerks donated a git certificate for a custom made pair of Wescos (value up to $750). What a great prize. Over $3000 of raffle tickets were sold. Here you can see son chris being measured for tickets by David Hawks. David is IMBB 2000 and the Coordinator of the IMBB contest.
Later in the weekend Bootdog oiled my new Georgia boots (bought from Bootwerks). He’s from the San Francisco Bay Area and he won the bootblack titlle this year. And look how cute he is!
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