At the start of the orgy, we sat in the living room as people arrived one by one. The boy with the bleach blond Mohawk brought out a bottle of blue nail polish and began to paint his fingernails. He spoke about how he used to hang out with the radical faeries and went to parties at Dumba. “I stopped hanging out with them. They’re prissy and they are such chickenhawks. I like these sex parties better.”
Later, I slipped behind him on the couch and began to kiss and caress his naked body. He was slight and hairy with a nice cock. I lightly played his body with my nails and my teeth. I played with his nipple jewelry and his cock and balls. He was nervous but seemed to like what I was doing. He lay down on the couch. I bent over and slipped one of his balls into my mouth. He jumped back.
“What’s wrong?”
“You scare me.”
“I saw what you did to that girl in the other room.”
I had flogged a girl with a braided cat earlier. And then I caned her. It was good. I could read her reactions and I paced the strokes so that she would enjoy them. She was not scared of me.
“I was not going to do that with you. I play differently with different people.”
“But I am extrapolating. I thought you would bite my balls.”
“You scare me.”
I didn’t push it. I walked away.
5 responses so far ↓
1 Viviane // Nov 15, 2006 at 2:44 pm
His loss!
2 engrailed // Nov 15, 2006 at 8:54 pm
You’re delicious when you’re scary!
3 Anonymous // Nov 17, 2006 at 12:58 pm
Oh honey….maybe that boy wanted to be scared. Maybe it was all just a big misunderstanding…
4 Anonymous // Nov 18, 2006 at 4:54 pm
no, he just doesnt like animal noises AND biting testes at the same time. your right, he does look good naked.
5 Anonymous // Nov 19, 2006 at 9:52 pm
I love using floggers – and I love when they’re used on me.
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