My mother had this fabulous set of mid-century Russel Wright dishes. She didn’t use them anymore and told me that she would give them to me when I got married. This pissed me off because I did not want to wait until I got married just to get the dishes. Finally, my father stepped in and told her give me the dishes and that waiting until I got married was ridiculous. I got the dishes. And I never got married.
For a while the dishes were packed in storage. When I moved into this apartment 20 years ago they sat in the cabinet and I only used my everyday dishes. It has not been until the past couple of years that I started using them when I had company. I enjoy the dishes. What had I been waiting for?
For the past 20 years, I would pretty much only have sexual intercourse within a primary relationship. For the past 16 months I had no primary relationship and no sexual intercourse. I enjoy sex. What am I waiting for? I do not want to enter some kind of primary relationship just to have sex. I want sex.
While sex in a committed relationship is not what I want right now, casual pick up sex is not the answer for me either. I want my sex with kink. I do not want to bumble around with a one-night-stand who does not understand how I like my sex. Really good sex requires a bit of a learning curve that does not happen in one night. And that works both ways, of course.
So, I figured that I need a fuckbuddy. But, no, not exactly. I want several fuckbuddies. A stable of fuckbuddies. Some local and some out of town.
This is going to take a while to develop. I think there will be a lot of trial and error. I am going to custom design my stable.
1 response so far ↓
1 Alice // Sep 30, 2006 at 1:03 pm
This is going to be a very interesting process to watch Lolita. I like your list of requirements for a fuckbuddy by the way. The analogy you present is an excellent one.
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