It’s late on Sunday at Dark Odyssey. Jefferson, Viviane and Selina have gone back to the city. Marcus is obsessed with getting his ass fucked. He won’t accept a strap-on. He won’t accept fingers or a hand. He wants bio boy cock. Nothing else will do.
“Marcus, we need to go up to the Greek party.”
But he doesn’t listen to me. Greek party! Ass fucking! Hello?!
One of the cabins at Dark Odyssey was The Boudoir Room and they were hosting a Greek party. They had a big projection screen showing Caligula and they had food and drinks and people in togas and they decorated their cabin all Greek-style with friezes, disks and everything. The first 25 people to fuck Cindy’s ass would earn a refrigerator magnet with Roman numerals – given out in order.
I had been up there earlier because I wanted to fuck Cindy up the ass. I mean the refrigerator magnet was nice and all, but I really wanted to fuck her ass. But it was too crowded – too many people fucking already, so I said I would come back later.
So, I am on the other side of camp tagging along with Marcus as he barks up many wrong trees looking for the cock that will fuck him up the ass. But I am still having a blast and seeing stuff that I have never seen before. This one guy has a dildo that straps on to the bottom of his boot and he sat in a chair and pumped that dildo into a woman who has prone on the ground. It was like revving up a car. Vroom! Vroom! Pedal to the metal. The more he pumped, the more moans she made. She loved it.
Marcus finally believed that he had exhausted all his possibilities on this side of camp and finally agreed that we should go up to the Greek Party. I find us a golf cart taxi and we start heading up. We run into BT on the road. He had been at the Greek Party. “Oh, man, it was really great. Totally the place to be. A lot of sex. Lots of ass sex”
I am sitting there smug because that is what I have been telling Marcus all along. BT continues, “But it ended about 20 minutes ago.”
I groan. I am sorry I missed the party and I missed fucking Cindy’s ass.
“See, Marcus? I was right.”
“Yes, you were right.”
“Marcus, you need to listen to me.”
We decide to head up to the dungeon to see what action we can find. BT decides to join us and hops onto the taxi. He’s sits in the back with Marcus. Marcus, with his crutches and knee brace, drapes his leg over BT. BT jokes about hot man-on-man action in the back of the cab.
We enter the dungeon and it is that late time of night where there are a few scenes going on, mostly intimate and/or winding down. Marcus is not going to find what he wants here. But I come up with the brilliant idea that maybe Marcus needs to fucked in the ass with his own balls. Marcus loves that idea and wants me to help him do it. He takes off his clothes and gets into the sling.
I am so excited because I have never done anything like this before and it is totally my thing. I tell Marcus he needs to coach me a bit. BT is right there with us and he takes on the role of supplyboy, bringing us paper towels and keeping the lube at the ready.
I start slowly stretching and working Marcus’ balls. But there is a problem. I have only clipped the nails on my right hand. I have left the nails on my left hand longer so that I could scratch and provide sensation. For this particular activity, I really needed to have short nails on both hands. Marcus helps me with his hands and I use mainly one hand.
I work it and work it. The balls are slippery. Maybe too much lube. I change gloves. Finally I manage to get his balls up his ass but then something is funny and Marcus laughs and they pop out.
I try working them in again and it’s not happening, but just trying to do it is fun. Marcus hobbles off to the bathroom.
I climb into the sling just to get a load off my feet. I put my legs up. I like what I see. My Georgia boots and my legs sheathed in my black leather chaps. At this point in the evening I am wearing just boots and chaps, nothing else. I had never gotten fully dressed after some earlier sex antics.
Marcus returns and stands in front of me. He says something, I forget what, but he is clearly looking for consent. I am a bit surly, “I can take whatever you got.” Immediately, his hand, fingers splayed, comes crashing down on my face. Shit! What is it with these guys and my face? My head is pinned between his hand and the sling.
Marcus begins to fuck me with his fingers.
“BT, how many fingers have you ever seen up inside a woman?”
“Look here. I got four in.”
BT looks. He sure is broadening his sexual knowledge tonight.
“And now, the thumb. Five fingers.”
BT pumps out more lube and Marcus works his hand in past the knuckles. I am screaming because it hurts and nothing that big has ever been up inside me. Marcus has big hands. I have never been fisted by a man before. There went another cherry.
I can’t believe he’s in. It feels so full. There’s not much he can do in there, because there’s not much room.
And, finally, it is time for him to come out, but he’s got no leverage. He’s on one leg, he’s got one hand in me and the other is grabbing onto the sling frame to steady himself.
“BT, you need to help me here.”
BT comes up behind Marcus and wraps his arms around Marcus’ waist. Heave ho! This is like comedy and I am laughing hysterically.
I notice that we are the last ones in the dungeon. I’m glad, because I was so loud when Marcus shoved his hand all the way in me. It’s 4:46am.
“Marcus, there’s no cabs to be had at this hour.” What a NYC type thing to say. “My cabin is nearby. I have a nice bed and we can schnugggle and sleep.”
My buddies in Oink cabin say Marcus snores. I dunno. I slept through it.
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