Volume 9, Number 40
© Copyright 2003 by Lolita Wolf
Material may not be reproduced in whole or in part
without prior written consent of the copyright holder.
The views expressed herein are exclusively those
of the author and do not represent the views of any
other person or any organization with which the
author may be associated.
>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:< THE WANT ADS Thanks to my sponsors! 946-255Y SINGLETAILS IN THE SCENE, a NEW 2 hour instructional video is now available. Learn basic & advanced throws. Learn how to practice. Learn how to use a signal whip on someone from light & sensual to heavy & intense. Includes four actual scenes. Only $35.00 + shipping & handling. http://www.SingletailsInTheScene.com 1006-261Y KINK-SENSITIVE PSYCHOTHERAPY: IPG Counseling; 20 yrs. of caring for L/G/B/T, BDSM & Poly communities. Offices in Highland Park, Freehold and Jersey City, NJ. 24 therapists on staff. Dr. Margaret Nichols, Director. Call (800) 379-9220/ www.ipgcounseling.com 947-270H THE BARONESS, New York's Premiere Designer of Elegant Provocative Latex Fashions for men and women of all sizes. Providing a range of latex fashions from; daring, sophisticated, or formal, Fit for Royalty" Custom Couture, & Bizarre Rubber Creations for the sophisticated fetishist . Featured in The Fashion Institute's Museum, countless publications, as well as on HBO. On line catalogue at www.Baroness.com For appointments 212-529-5964. Wholesale and Retail. 1025-273Y Dr. Vittoria Repetto - Chiropractor / Applied Kinesiologist / Nutritional Consultation. Dedicated to providing my patients with the holistic therapies and the personalized education they need to regain and maintain their optimal health. 285 West B'way @ Canal St., NYC 212 - 431 - 3724 www.drvittoriarepetto.meta-ehealth.com DrVittoriaRepett@aol.com One of the Top Ten NYC Chiropractors: New Life Magazine, Sept 2001. 1028-278Y Purple Passion / DV8, we have one of the largest selections of corsets, leather, latex & PVC clothing for men and women. We do custom corsets, clothing and harnesses. We now have art work for sale and our next show will open this weekend. Hours: Wed Noon-7pm, Thurs & Fri Noon-9pm, Sat Noon-8pm Sun Noon-7pm. Mon & Tues Noon-7pm. 211 West 20th Street. Tel 212-807-0486, www.purplepassion.com 1004-279H KINK AWARE PROFESSIONAL. Psychotherapy and sex-related counseling in the San Francisco Bay Area. Leather, (trans)gender, gaylesbi, poly, adult babies, coming out, identity, depressions, anxieties, intimacy, relationships, communication skills. William A. Henkin, Ph.D., License MFT 22960, Board Certified Sex Therapist. Website under construction -- meanwhile visit http://www.sexuality.org/wh.html . email: oroborous@earthlink.net 944-288BB CATFIGHTING, FEMALE WRESTLING – very large private collection of fetish material for sale, all in mint condition. Includes many VHS videos and over 80 different issues of “Amazons in Action”, the top magazine for this interest and no longer in print. Very attractive women engaged in erotic combat. The video reviews alone are worth the price of each issue, which also contain many photos and stories. Would prefer to sell to deserving, discreet individuals. If not, will auction off on Ebay at a higher price. You must be 21. For details, email to secretkink@aol.com Your ad could be here! Email me if you are interested. . >:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<
Thursday 11.13 NYC
Lesbian Sex Mafia: “SM Arts & Crafts.” FifthAngel
will cover skills ranging from the basic running stitch
to some more invasive and possibly controversial
body modification techniques. With suturing, the
bottom not only gets to enjoy the endorphin surge
of piercing, they get to savor the unique sensation
of the thread being pulled through their flesh. Stapling
is a swift and almost effortless way to combine
bondage, body alterations and piercing into one. Open
to all genders. 8:45pm at The Center, 208 W 13th St.
Info: 212-726-3844 or http://www.lesbiansexmafia.org
Friday 11.14 NYC
Fetish Art Show at Purple Passion featuring Steven
Speliotis, Ruth Waldman and Leonard Wilson Jr. in
the basement gallery. Opening 6 – 8:30pm at Purple
Passion, 211 W 20 St, between 7 & 8th Aves. Show
runs through the end of the year.
Friday 11.14 NYC
New York Apple Munch 6:30pm at Moonstruck
Diner, corner of 23rd St and 9th Ave. Info:
Friday 11.14 NYC
DFS presents “Single tail, knives, floggers and
rope” -Magic Mike & Buttercup. A lifestyle couple
who practice D/s in their relationship. Mike will teach
simple ways to begin using the single tail and why it
can be harsh or sensual depending on the way it is
used. 8:45pm at Paddles, 250 W 26th St, between
7 & 8 Aves. $8 ($4 for DSF & affiliate members).
Info: www.DomSubFriends.com
Friday thru Sunday 11.14-16 DC area
Black Rose 2003. Registration is closed.
No walk-ins. www.br.org
This Monday and every Monday Cyberspace
Back by popular demand (maybe not so popular
but surely demanding…): The Eulenspiegel Not
Til chat room on AOL 10pm-Midnight. NOT a TES
event but an unofficial place online where many TES
members and friends hang out and talk. No set topic.
It is a good place to ask questions, debate the
answers, ask and receive advice, compare notes
about the scene, gossip about last week, plan the
upcoming week, flirt a little, be serious and not so
serious. On AOL in the Town Square area of the
People Connection in a “member room” – not private:
aol://2719:61-2-Eulenspiegel not til. Add this
location to your Favorite Places Folder so that it’s
easy to come back.
Tuesday 11.18 NYC
TES Meeting: “Religion, Ethics & BDSM” a panel
hosted by Lady D. How does one co-exist with
their religious beliefs and the BDSM community. At
times it is difficult as many religions challenge the
concepts that we practice in the Scene. 7:30pm at
75 Bleecker St, just east of Broadway. $8 ($4 for
members of TES and other SM/leather orgs). Info:
212-388-7022 or www.tes.org
Wednesday 11.19 NYC
TES-TiNG: “An Evening with TiNG.” For those
ages 18-35. 7:30pm at 75 Bleecker St, just east
of Broadway. $8 ($4 for members of TES and other
SM/leather orgs). Info: 212-388-7022 or www.tes.org
Wednesday 11.19 NYC
TES Men’s & Women’s Groups’ Dinner 7:30pm
upstairs at VGs for dinner and good conversation.
at 75 Bleecker St, just east of Broadway. No
admission fee, just pay for your own food. Info:
212-388-7022 or www.tes.org
Have fun! Play safe!
Lolita Wolf
Lolita speaking only for Lolita, of course!
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